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About the project

"Effective active learning and TEACHING about ENTREPRENEURSHIP in economically underdeveloped and rural AREAS" - PODUZMI​


Local development and poverty reduction


The financial mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Kingdom of Norway



Implementation time

from 1 June 2022 until the 30 November 2023

Total value of the project

EUR 198,923.57

Intensity of support

100% (85% donor funds and 15% state budget funds)

About project

The general goal of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas, reduce poverty and the displacement of young people, and encourage social inclusion and innovation in deprived municipalities and towns of Zadar County. The implementation of the project will contribute to the development of the competences of teachers and other educational workers and will develop a new teaching model in entrepreneurship with the aim of developing the knowledge, skills and competences of students in rural and deprived areas.

List of activities

  • Activity 1

    Creation of a new teaching model in entrepreneurship intended for primary school teachers specifically for economically deprived and rural areas

  • Activity 2

    Implementation of a pilot program for active teaching in entrepreneurship intended for primary school teachers, including special programs for working with students with special educational needs

  • Activity 3

    Creativity camp in Zadar for teachers and other educational workers of elementary schools

  • Project Management (PM)

  • Information and communication (IK)
